After you download and upload this blogger template you can proceed to inserting your blog name and tag line from Settings--Basic.
The horizontal menu bar can be used to display your categories, followed by the slider. To change the images in the slider go to Design--Edit Html and search for this code -
<div class='scrollableArea'>
Modify the image links below that code with your own urls and save the changes, image size can be around 497px × 330px. The main post column appear in the standard format - date, author, labels come below the headline, and comments, default blogger social bookmarking buttons are at the end of the post.
Modern Photography template also comes with a three column footer to display more content.
Download the Modern Photography Blog Theme
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I am using an apple and can't seem to get the code to come up... help!! Could you possibly email it to me? My email address is: I've had this problem before when it comes to downloading something for my blog. I'm not sure why my mac won't do it!
unfortunately the mac uses a different file format and it doesn't understand some file formats so thats the reason why you can't see the code...let me know if you need further help