The header space has a slot on the right for a banner ad, then comes the dual navigation bar - the first one also has a dropdown menu to add sub-categories. To configure the menu bars, access your Edit Html and search for the following code, and add your relevant links -
<li><a href='Your-Link-Here' title='Link-Title'>Link-Name-X</a>
The main post area has an image slider where you display your featured posts, image size would be width-200, height-120. In order to activate your slider, you will need to go to Layout-Page Elements and Add a Gadget. Paste the following code and replace the image links and post headline -
<div id="myslides">
<script type="text/javascript">
galleryid: 'mygallery', //id of carousel DIV
beltclass: 'belt', //class of inner "belt" DIV containing all the panel DIVs
panelclass: 'panel', //class of panel DIVs each holding content
panelbehavior: {speed:500, wraparound:true, persist:true},
defaultbuttons: {enable: true, moveby: 2, leftnav: ['', -14, 60], rightnav: ['', 0, 60]},
statusvars: ['statusA', 'statusB', 'statusC'], //register 3 variables that contain current panel (start), current panel (last), and total panels
contenttype: ['external'] //content setting ['inline'] or ['external', 'path_to_external_file']
<div id="mygallery" class="stepcarousel">
<div class="belt">
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="NFS Most Wanted">
<img alt="NFS Most Wanted" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="Call Of Duty">
<img alt="Call Of Duty" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="MaxPayne3 Game">
<img alt="MaxPayne3 Game" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="Tomb Raider">
<img alt="Tomb Raider" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="Harry Potter">
<img alt="Harry Potter" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="NFS ProStreet">
<img alt="NFS ProStreet" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="MaxPayne Movie">
<img alt="MaxPayne Movie" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
<div class="panel">
<a href="#" title="NFS Undercover">
<img alt="NFS Undercover" width="200" src="" height="120"/>
The main posts appear below the slider, each post has the time stamp, author and comments below the headline. Read More function is also activated in this theme along with jazzy social bookmarking icons that appear after the short summary.
While the right column initially starts with the search box, ad slots and a multi-tabber and then splits in to two columns. To configure the tabs, go to Layout--Page Elements, click on the tab name and add a gadget. In case you want to change the tab names, access Edit Html and find the below code and change the tab names to sections of your choice -
<li class='pop'><a href='#tab11'>Video</a></li>
<li class='fea'><a href='#tab22'>Recent</a></li>
<li class='rec'><a href='#tab33'>Popular</a></li>
Another sidebar is on the right of the main posts, and you can use it to add any blogger widgets. LK Magazine theme also includes a 3-column footer section to display more content.
Download LK Magazine Blogger Template
Lasantha has released the second version of LK Magazine Blog Template -
Download the Version 2 LK Magazine Blog Template
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This is an amazing template! I was just wondering if there was a way I could take the two link bars at the top off. I really dont need them, and tried removing them but have failed. Could you please help?
@ sara
look for
<style type='text/css'>
/*Page menu*/
and then delete that till the first </style> you come across
let me know then ... save ur template prior to these changes
Ok I tried what you said, but when I tried saving the template, it said: Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The element type "head" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
@ sara
it only means you have deleted too much.... you need to follow the instructions properly .... delete till the first </style> immediately after where you start......prior to page menu
I did exactly like you said, but this time it went through only to show that the pg. menu was not gone but slightly changed. Also over night the home buttons on the bottom of the page have switched from arrows to blocks of ads... Please help me!!!
@ Sara
hey you need to upload those images, on a hosting service prior to starting your blog, you can watch our video on how to upload your images
If you can't figure out how to do all the stuff you want I can do it for a small fee..
how do i change top banner "LK Magazine Blogger theme" with mine
could you help me?
@ Denny
have u tried using the blogger design function, if yes and it din't work leave me ur blog link
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in prolog.
ur this templates both the version are showing errors as i said above!!
do check and correct it and publish again as soon possible ..
saya menggunakan LK MAGAZINE 3
@ raj
thats an error due to an upgrade in blogger... the template can easily be fixed, look for this error in google
like this thanks for post