Love Me is a 2 column blogger template designed by Deluxe Templates. Its a simple theme with a diary-style layout.
It has an attractive header image with flowers on the left and I Love You note attached to it. The blog title and one line description appears above that along with the horizontal menu bar.
The main column features a white background where the date stamp appears on top, followed by the headline and remaining post details like time stamp, author, comments and labels come at the end of the post.
The sidebar features an internal search box on top and below it are the default blogger widgets - Archives, labels etc., which you can modify as per your need.
Download Love Me, the Valentines Blogger Theme
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gr8 one
How can I write something personal under the header where is written "I love you"?
@ dorina - If you know how to edit a pic in a photo-editing software, then you can try changing 'I Love You' in this pic below -
You need to go to Edit Html and look for the url.
Gorgeous!!! Muah!